
Help Us Help You

Our goal is to help sustain a new positive world during and after the coronavirus.
These projects address current issues and need your help.

We need help and ask for volunteers and independent contractors.

Artisans: please donate your heartfelt creations to those who have lost someone. This virus has created distance between the sick and their loved ones often ending in lonely loss. Something touching will go a long ways to lift spirits for many!

If you have editing skills and would like to volunteer, or in the immediate future you would like to pass out hand sanitizer and be paid by donations, please email us stating your desire at

Financial contributions are also appreciated for the following projects:

The goal of this project is to help recognize
many wonderful people while helping heal us all.

The goal of this project is to structure a worldwide donation system connecting businesses with their consumers to aid their local economies.

The goal of this project is to connect local businesses (like microbreweries) making hand sanitizer with a system of distribution offering all people free hand sanitizer.