
Privacy Policy

We take your privacy seriously. The following privacy policy describes the personal information we collect and how we use it.

Basic Information Collection

All web servers track basic information about their visitors. This information includes IP addresses, browser details, linked and timestamp pages, etc. None of this information is specific enough to identify individuals visiting our website. This information is used for routine web administrative and maintenance purposes. Sometimes this information is used for security purposes, too.

Account Information

All information collected from visitors and our account holders is only used for our own customer service maintenance. We do not release any account/customer information to outside parties without consent from the account holder. We do not sell any form of customer information to other parties.


We use cookies to temporarily store ordering information during your ordering process in order for you to continue to shop with items already stored in your shopping basket. Once your shopping experience is concluded, this information is erased from the live shopping experience and is backed up in logs in case of security breaches to our server and ordering system.

Controlling Your Privacy

You can change your browser settings to disable cookies if you have privacy concerns. Disabling cookies will not affect your browsing of our site, but will affect our shopping cart system when you go to order products. It is advised to disable cookies only on a site-to-site basis because many times cookies are in place only to help your online experience (as is the case in our ordering system).

Contact Information

If you have further questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us:

By Mail:

My Coronavirus Story Website
719 N. Brookfield Street
Wichita, Kansas 67206

By Email: