Service Info

Terms of Service

Welcome to! Please review the following basic terms that govern your use of and purchase of products from our site. Please note that your use of our site constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the terms established herein.

Bay Island Media is a corporation held solely in the State of Kansas, and all legal remedies will follow laws from the State of Kansas.

Basic Information Collection

All web servers track basic information about their visitors. This information includes IP addresses, browser details, linked and timestamp pages, etc. None of this information is specific enough to identify individuals visiting our website. This information is used for routine web administrative and maintenance purposes. Sometimes this information is used for security purposes, too.

Account Information

All information collected from visitors is only used for our own customer service maintenance. We do not release any account/customer information to outside parties without consent from the account holder. This website does not sell any form of customer information to other parties.


We may use cookies to enhance your web experience with our site.

Controlling Your Privacy

You can change your browser settings to disable cookies if you have privacy concerns. Disabling cookies will not affect your browsing of our site. It is advised to disable cookies only on a site-to-site basis because many times cookies are in place only to help your online experience.


Visitors (and buyers) from this website will hold FLIC harmless from any and all perceived and actual damages created by visiting this website or from purchasing products from this website.  All products and content on this website are offered in good faith with the desire to provide safe products and content with no desire to cause harm to anyone.  Product buyers assume responsibility for owning and using products in a responsible manner, and respectful of the dangers concerning electricity and fire hazards and all other areas where harm can result from actions.

Visitor Accountability

All visitors to this website should be responsible with their demeanor and activity, steering clear from activity that can be interpreted as potentially damaging to us, and in some cases, may be held liable when the intent for harm is questioned.  Activity on this website and with the information gathered from this website will all fall under this provision, including email and telephone information.

Terms Modifications

We may, at any time, change all or some of the content of our "Terms of Service" and all parties impacted agree to the modification updates provided by FLIC at the time those modifications occur.

Right To Refuse Service

We retains the right to refuse service to any individual or organization that we see fit.

Contact Information

If you have further questions or concerns about our Terms Of Service, please feel free to contact us:

By Mail:

My Coronavirus Story Website
719 N. Brookfield Street
Wichita, Kansas 67206

By Email: