
Scared To Death

by Merrie E.


My story starts the last week of February 2020. My 28 year old daughter, her 4 year old daughter (my granddaughter of course), and I live together. My daughter Shawnie began having flu type symptoms on Feb. 23rd (Sun). She continued feeling very sick. It was Tuesday at 7 pm, when I finally decided to take her to the Urgent Care. She still had a 103.3 temperature and throwing up! She said she felt like she was dying, and I couldn't take it. We had held off, because she had no health insurance. They did several tests, and gave her fluids intravenously.

At 9 pm (closing time), they said she needed to go directly to the ER, because they believed she had sepsis (blood infection) and there wasn't anything they could do for her! I was scared to death for my daughter! We went to the ER. She was admitted into the hospital. They did several tests and xrays. She continued feeling nauseous and running fevers for two more days. All the while we were trying to figure out what was wrong.


They discovered she had double pneumonia, and were continuing to do testing. They never did give us a diagnosis as to what lead up to double pneumonia. We asked if we should be wearing masks or anything, and they said no. We knew coronavirus was just beginning to be an issue. She was released from the hospital on Tuesday, March 3rd.

We ended up taking her back to the ER Thursday morning, as she was beginning to feel nauseous again. They gave her a stronger dose of the nausea medicine.

That afternoon, I decided to go to the Urgent Care facility as I had been coughing a lot in the last week. It was a dry cough. The UC took an xray and found that I had walking pneumonia!! The next day, we decided to take my grandaughter to the doctor, and even though they didn't take an xray, they diagnosed her with acute bronchitis.

We are all better now, but believe we had the coronavirus! Testing for the virus wasn't being done at that time! I did get tested a couple weeks ago (May 13th), as it seems I never did get back to what feels like normal. It came back negative. For the record, the stay at home order here in Wichita Kansas didn't start until March 18th.