Aunt Jean

Angel on Earth

by Loy H.


I was blessed to have an angel on Earth named Jean Marie.

Aunt Jean was my Mother’s older sister, my Godmother and Aunt. When my Mom passed away at the age of 50, Jean stepped in as a wonderful surrogate mother. She inspired me to go for my dreams and always made me aware of her deep love for me, which I returned. My own two daughters considered her to be a Grandmother figure in their lives.

Aunt Jean passed away from COVID-19 at the age of 92.

Aunt Jean

She was residing in an assisted living facility, when she became ill with respiratory symptoms, which weakened her and required hospitalization. She was diagnosed with pneumonia in one lung, kept a few days as an inpatient, and then transferred to a rehab center. After only one day there, she experienced increased difficulty breathing and was taken back to the hospital, where infection was now in both lungs. She did not respond to treatment and it became painfully obvious that she would not survive and she died several days later.

Her death saddened me to my core. I realized that I had her longer than I had my Mom. Aunt Jean taught me how to be a Mom. She encouraged me to return to college, as an adult, to get my nursing degree. She continually set a wonderful example in so many ways for me to strive to become the best version of myself. I flat out miss her presence, but am so grateful to have had her as my Champion.

Now, she’s my angel in Heaven.