
Better Than The Alternative

by David B.


I'd like to recognize my dad for being a great dad!

He's a war veteran from the Korean War, and lost most of his hearing while serving on a destroyer ship because of the percussion intensity from the large guns.

He's 87 and hasn't been standing for a few years now.

Because of the virus, I've had to heavily reduce the live visits with him. This has been rough on us all, including my two kids. Grandpa misses them dearly!

No one understands the value of the moment more than dad. We have all made tremendous sacrifices because of the virus but no one has sacrificed more than him!


On our rare appearance, as we walk in his room, he shouts, "HEY... IT'S THE THREE BANDITOS!" This is in reference to us all being masked up.

He doesn't care about the virus and the risk to his health and life, but we do!

The virus has been tough on us all but we learned not to take anything for granted and I'm certain that won't change even after we get closer to a life we once recognized.

My dad grew up poor. And when I say "poor"... I mean POOR! He was amongst 23 people living in one small house. The toilet was an outhouse. And for those who don't know what an outhouse is... basically, it's a toilet outside in a shed. On cold winter spells, a bucket was brought indoors. The kids didn't have beds. Blankets filled the floor.


I realize I will never have the perspective on life that my dad has. I was blessed and spoiled, thanks to him! He has plenty of sayings that I will always hold dear and as valuable lessons I will pass on to my children.

As a true survivor of life, and someone who thrived with very little, my father has a statement I still recall all the time: "It's better than the alternative!" These are strong words of survival! Never give up! And enjoy the moment because it can always be worse!