David and Gianna

Miss Going To Places

by David & Gianna (ages 6 & 5)


There is a lot of sick people.

A lot of people don't see each other.

Why do you do a story about us?

David and Gianna

People can get sick from other people. They don't know they have the virus.

Since corona we don't have school and we don't get to see our friends anymore. The only way to see our friends is on kid messenger.

We miss our friends and school teacher.

We have to stay at home a long time. We can't do a lot of stuff. We can't go to stores or fun places or the pizza place. We can't go anywhere. We are bored a lot. We can't go to Barnes and Noble. We miss the playground and the swings.


People just want to be safe and not get the coronavirus. We don't want to get it because we don't like to take medicine and lay in bed all day.

We can't go to another state, like on an airplane.

After the corona we are going to do something really fun. We are going to Legoland!