David and Gianna

Mum, can you show me in the calender when Corona is over ...

by Gustav K. (age 9)


I don't like Corona!

My friend didn't get to play with me for a long time because he got Corona, but now we get to play again. We must not go to Legoland this summer because in Denmark they think everyone has Corona in Sweden.

David and Gianna

At school, the chef puts up the food, we must not take it ourselves anymore because we must not stand in line. I have a teacher who has mouth protection because she has a disease not called Corona but if she gets Corona then maybe she dies.

I don't like coughing because then everyone says I have Corona and it's actually not fun. I can't die from it because I'm a child but grandma and grandpa can die so I can't meet them, but they send lots of packages to me with things in and I've sent packages to them. We sent hand sanitizers that my mother took from her workplace because it was not in the shops to buy.


I really don't get to meet grandma's mother because she can really die.

I really hope Corona is over when I turn 10 years old so I can have a party.

Can you see in the calendar when the Corona ends?